Felipe is a teenager who spends his days riding a bike with friends along the empty streets of the beach town where they live, rapping freestyle and taking acting classes behind his mother’s back. Faced with the chance to audition for a film, he escapes to Montevideo where he reconnects with his paternal grandmother after not seeing her since his father’s death, and puts together the pieces of his past.
Felipe es un adolescente que pasa los días andando en bicicleta por las calles vacías del balneario en el que vive, rapeando free-style y yendo a clases de teatro a espaldas de su madre. Ante la posibilidad de audicionar para una película, se escapa a Montevideo, donde se reencuentra con su abuela paterna, a quien no ve desde que su padre murió, y termina de conocer su propia historia.
Berlin International Film Festival 2023/ Official Selection (Crystal Bear Nominee)
Málaga Film Festival 2023/ Official Selection (Golden Biznaga)
34 W 13th Street, New York, NY 10011
TUES. 4/16 @ 4:00PM
Followed by Q&A w/ Director Pablo Solarz
Pablo Solarz is a screenwriter, film director, actor and teacher. He is the author of the films Minimal Stories, A Boyfriend for my Wife, I Married a Dumbass and others. In 2011 he premiered his debut film Together Forever and in 2017 The Last Suit. His latest film I Woke Up With a Dream premiered at Berlinale and won the Special Critics Award in Málaga.
Guionista y director de cine, actor y docente. Autor de Historias mínimas, Un novio para mi mujer, Me casé con un boludo y otras. En 2011 estrenó su ópera prima Juntos para siempre y en 2017 El último traje. Su última película Desperté con un sueño estrenó en Berlinale y ganó el Premio Especial de la Crítica en Málaga.